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2024 International Conference on New Energy opens in Changzhou
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The 2024 International Conference on New Energy in Changzhou, a highlight of the Jiangsu chapter of the 22nd Conference on International Exchange of Professionals, officially opened on November 4. Xu Shoukun, Party Secretary of Changzhou University, and Deputy Mayor Jiang Pengju attended the opening ceremony and delivered remarks.

The three-day conference brought together over 60 experts and scholars from around the world to discuss key themes, including energy chemistry, energy alloys, advanced manufacturing, and energy management. In addition to academic discussions, participants visited local companies in Changzhou, aiming to accelerate innovation and growth in the region’s new energy sector.

During the opening ceremony, Changzhou University signed a cooperation agreement with Russia’s Ufa University of Science and Technology (UUST) to establish a joint education program. Additional partnerships were formalized with Singapore University of Technology and Design, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, Universiti Sains Malaysia, and Thailand’s Walailak University. The university also partnered with the China-ASEAN Information Harbor to develop an "International Talent Training Hub" for the Yangtze River Delta, one of China’s major economic zones.

The event also marked the launch of the Changzhou University International Cooperation Center for New Energy Talent and the Joint Laboratory for Critical Metals in Energy, a collaborative research project with UUST. This new lab focuses on advancing research into essential metals used in energy technologies, underscoring Changzhou’s commitment to fostering international research and talent development in the new energy field.


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