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Changzhou’s 76 scenic spots receive over 4 million tourists during the Spring Festival
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As of February 2, it was learned from relevant departments that Changzhou's 76 tourist attractions received 4.2068 million tourists during the Spring Festival, an increase of 23.84%. The operating income reached 224 million yuan, up 49.37%, of which the ticket sales made 72.2675 million yuan, increased by 32.8%.

During the Spring Festival, the Universal Dinosaur Town received more than 460,000 tourists; the Yancheng Tourist Area received nearly 160,000 tourists; the Joyland Amusement Park received approximately 40,000 tourists; the Tianmuhu Lake Tourist Resort received over 320,000 tourists; and the Oriental Salt Lake Resort received 66,500 tourists .

26 countryside resorts received a total of 290,800 tourists, an increase of 79.62%. The operating income reached 13.7579 million yuan, an increase of 66.85%.


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