 Changzhou, also known as the 'dragon city', is one of the birthplaces of China’s national industry and one of the three municipalities that developed the Sunan Model. Covering an area of 4,372 km2, Changzhou administers one county-level city and five districts, as well as two national-level high-tech zones
   Buffalo is located in Western New Yorkon the eastern shores of Lake Erie and at the southern head of the Niagara River. It covers an area of 108.8 square kilometers and has a population of about 280,000. Buffalo is the hometown of two U.S. presidents (Millard Fillmore and Grover Cleveland)
   On November 10, 2008, Vice Mayor Han Jiuyun met with a delegation from the State of New York, USA, in Changzhou Grand Hotel. New York and Jiangsu are sister state/province.The delegation, organized by the Asian American Business Development Center, came to Changzhou to discuss the establishment of a sister-city relationship between Changzhou and Buffalo.
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